Thursday 24 February 2011

Mary Mary Quite Contrary Link

I just found this link:

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Here is the flyer info for my show at the Pop Up Gallery. My work is being showcased alongside three other artists. There is a very exciting mix of things going on, Video Installation, Sound Installation, Photography and my very own mixed up concoction of stuff! Try get down and enjoy! Merci xx

Wednesday 13 October 2010

The End of my Mary Greg Era

My work is now no longer residing in the Manchester Gallery archives, nestled amongst the works of geniuses, it's back home in Bradford where it belongs. This is a sad time but to soften the blow I have some very nice professional photographs which make my work look good. probably better!

Saturday 7 August 2010

Berlin Wall, East Side Gallery

I understand, and am utterly fascinated by the history of the wall, what it stood for then and what it continues to symbolise, so it probably isn't the done thing to go against any of this and just outright say that i didn't particularly like the 'gallery'. I found the whole thing very clinical for Berlin, it felt stiff and formal in contrast to what the rest of the city's art spaces had to offer. Here's some pictures anyway.

Berlin Biennale 2

The second place we visited was a beautiful space. It seemed to be like an old mill or something, with high ceiling rooms with no partitions or walls. It had the same two-staircase layout to the KunstWerke which was really nice as you could just follow the space without missing bits or going back on yourself too much. I loved the casual informality of the layout, the patchwork flooring and carpeting added a laid back homespun vibe which helps to set apart the Berlin art culture from our own, with the exception of the Museum of Everything.
The first piece on the ground floor was displayed really well. Chunky headphones dangled from the ceiling with coiled wires, whilst the video projected onto a decayed wall, it the set the scene for the whole space.
Another piece on the second floor was really intriguing, the piece subtley sprawled across the entire building, with piping and mechanisms cropping up all over. the water works were all dripping onto a huge block of salt which was consequently eroding onto a bed-like installation.

Is it a tree? Is it a Library? Its both of course

Berlin Street Art etc..

I always love to just wander around when away from home, especially European cities and admire the poster art, street art, local regular architecture (as opposed to the grand landmarks) and non-uniformity of it all in contrast to Britain. In Blighty every thing is done with approval and permission from the council etc etc, and it tends to feel stale when you get to such wonderful cultural metropolises like Berlin. I think this is how you can really get a feel for a place, when the normal boring buildings have the power to excite you, you know your not in Wolverhampton anymore! So here are a few of my pictures of the normal stuff